Precautions while applying Acupressure

Acupressure is a technique of stimulating body’s energy points along the energy path ways (meridians). It closely resembles to the traditional massaging techniques.

Following are the precautions when applying acupressure:

  • Finger tips should be applied gently. Do not press the organ forcefully.
  • In case of pregnancy, special care is to be exercised.
  • Do not work directly on wounds, burns or sketches etc.
  • Special care should be exercised when massaging abdominal points.

How to use Acupressure techniques

Acupressure is a technique of stimulating body’s energy points along the energy path ways (meridians). It closely resembles to the traditional massaging techniques. Hence it involves, rubbing, pressing, and kneading using fingers. The average duration of a normal massage session can be 15 minutes.

Acupressure is applied by gentling exerting pressure to the selected points. This reduces muscle tension and strain and results in deep relaxation. The energy blockage or congestion along the energy path way can be removed by gently pressing energy points which are located at the junctures of energy pathways.

According to Chinese there are about 800 points along the energy channel from head to tow. These points are associated with specific organs and massaging these points has an impact on that organ.

Facts about Acupressure an alternative treatment

It is said that at in our body there is an energy channel or energy pathway and at certain points of the human body, these channels are relatively closed to surface and hence the energy can be attracted if these points are touched which results in improvement in blood and energy circulation.

There are fourteen meridians that regulate the circulation of energy in our body. The points where the acupressure is applied are sometimes referred as acupoints.

By applying acupressure the congestion or blockage of energy throughout the energy path way can be removed.

The points at the juncture of energy pathways (meridians) are gently pressed in acupuncture which results in relief from pain and body strain. The energy that circulates on energy path way in human body has been named as chi energy by ancient Chinese. Hence, the acupressure channelizes our own energy to fight against ills.

Introduction and History of Acupressure

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese method in which pressure is applied on specific energy points of the body. Although named as pressure it is actually a very light touch using finger tips. It is believed that acupressure was first used 5000 years ago.  

It was discovered by Chinese when they found that by pressing certain points on the body, substantial relief in pain can be experienced. It is a common observation that when we have a headache, we tend to gently press our forehead which gives us some relief and good feeling.

Acupressure is sometimes confused with acupuncture. Although both use pressure, however, in case of acupuncture needles are used whereas, in case of acupressure finger tips are used.

Acupressure is found to be useful in treating followings:

  1. Relieving Stress and Anxiety
  2. Pain management
  3. Improvement in blood circulation
  4. Overall improvement in body functions
  5. Constipation
  6. Insomnia

List and Types of Alternative Medicines and Therapies

When we think of Alternative Medicines and Therapies, we can name only a few. But is is surprising to note there about 70 types of Alternative medicines and therapies that exist today.

Below is a list of Alternative medications and therapies.

Atlas Orthogonal
Ayurvedic Medicine
Auricular Therapy

Alexander Technique
Autogenic Training
Anthroposophical Medicine
Auto-Urine Therapy
Bach Flower Remedies

Cellular Therapy
Chinese (Oriental) Medicine

Chromotherapay or Colour Therapy

Colon Therapy
Chelation Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy
Dentistry, Holistic
Dance/Movement Therapies
Ear Candling
Feng Shui
Flower Essences
Feldenkrais Method
Fasting Therapy

Gem Therapy
Holistic Medicine
Holotropic Breathwork
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Natural Products
Midwifery/Childbirth Support
Native American Herbology
Network Chiropractic
Naturopathic Medicine
Oriental Diagnosis
Osteopathic Medicine
Pyramid Healing
Reconstructive Therapy/Prolotherapy
Sound Therapy
Tibetan Medicine

Vision Therapies
Vitamin Therapy
Wellness Restoration
Yoga Therapy